May 13, 2015

100WC - Kaelyn's Entry

As night time drew nearer, the hawk was hovering above the tree stump with narrow eyes. It landed on a twig without a creak, everything was silent. Sarah froze still her big, black eyes on the hawk. Even the birds stopped chirping. Pitter, patter, pitter, patter. It had begun. The tragic thunderstorm was going. The hawk fluttered off the twig and swooped down with it's beak open. Sarah inched forward, the hawk landed with a thump! Just mm from the Sarah's head. Sarah ran for her life. The maniac hawk followed. But what the hawk didn't know was that Sarah had back-up.

By Kaelyn


  1. Greg T (Team 100)May 19, 2015 at 7:19 PM

    “Hi Kaelyn,
    What a great imagination you have!
    Your descriptions of the scene were exceptional…hawk hovering…narrow eyes…birds stopped chirping…to name just a few.
    You have created a real life dramatic story through the use of descriptive words and good use of punctuation.
    The conclusion has left the reader in suspense and wanting to know more.
    This story requires a sequel!
    Well done Kaelyn! More please!
    Greg T

  2. Wow, Kaelyn!! Dad and I are so proud of you! What an amazing example of your writing and what a privilege to be chosen from all those entries to be exhibited in the showcase. Well done, Punk!
